fractal: A theory of mind, shape, objects knowing

Is our mind a fractal object or pattern collector, and if so, does the fractal explain laughter, and sadness - as the object changes shape changes?

This entry follows on from my earlier blogs on equilibrium, particularly from the shape being set at or around iteration 7.
Fractal development: Koch snowflake and equilibrium at iteration 7

Could it be that this is how our minds recognise  –  and know  –  objects or shapes? If the universe is full of repeating patterns, then to know something, all we need is a collection patterns; we don't need any detail at all. This can be demonstrated (below) by Koch snowflake development: as the snowflake develops, the 'stickman' develops; at some point  –  around 7 plus or minus 2 iterations  – the shape is known, the stickman is defined. At iteration one, we know nothing.

In the above diagram we see the fractal development of a humanly figure. At iteration 1 the shape is not known; by iteration 5 we know it is a recognisable humanly shape - but nothing else.
The mind doesn't need take in all the information we see – that is too costly:  it only needs shapes or objects: to know more, we can 'zoom in' to get more detail.
More to come.



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