Demand curve and de Broglie wavefunction

Demand curve and the de Broglie wave function I have since published in 2023: This entry has been hanging over me for some time, and I never published it earlier because I never thought I had it quite right or it never felt complete. Though those feelings have not changed, I have (now) decided to publish what I have, intending that my theory will kindle interest and discussion to further develop it. What really is a demand curve anyway? Do they really exist? The reality may be that they are not real physical, tangible objects but instead show the possibilities of goods and services in terms of price and quantity; as with quantum theory, to produce such a curve invokes the ‘measurement’ problem. It is as if the demand curve is a superposition of all the possible outcomes, just as in quantum mechanics. My hypothesis: The de Broglie wave function and the (consumer) demand function and corresponding curve are both different manifestations of the sam...