6. wikifractal.org
A momentous morning for me. Copernicus and Galileo were my inspirations, and after (this morning) uncovering and clearing some critical details, I’m now not afraid anymore – to speak, to show. Last month, I published on my blog two entries I had been working on for the previous 5 years: one on the fractal record of CO2 and the other on the fractal profile of CO2 (still in progress). ( http://www.fractalnomics.com/2013/03/the-fractal-record-of-heat-trapping-co2.html and http://www.fractalnomics.com/2013/04/fractal-profile-of-co2.html ). This morning, I published a complementary ‘wiki website ( www.wikifractal.org ) to these entries that will show and democratise ‘the where(?)’ (the examples of phenomena – at all scales) (or not!). Where does a phenomenon do as it is ‘said’ to do? Orbiting bodies and a sun-centred ‘universe’ is a good case: before the telescope and evidence, a world of dogma, and after, a world of ‘science’. With the Hubble and (broken) Kepler te