fractal: A theory of mind, shape, objects knowing

Is our mind a fractal object or pattern collector, and if so, does the fractal explain laughter and sadness - as the object changes, its shape changes? This entry follows up on my earlier blogs on equilibrium, particularly the shape being set at or around iteration 7. Fractal development: Koch snowflake and equilibrium at iteration 7 Could this be how our minds recognise – and know – objects or shapes? If the universe is full of repeating patterns, then to know something, all we need is a collection of patterns; we don't need any detail at all. This can be demonstrated (below) by Koch snowflake development: as the snowflake develops, the 'stickman' develops; at some point – around 7 plus or minus 2 iterations – the shape is known, and the stickman is defined. At iteration one, we know nothing. In the above diagram, we see the fractal development of a human figure. At iteration 1, ...