
Showing posts from March, 2013

The fractal record of (heat trapping) CO2

Update 2015 05 04 I have discovered why CO2 is not a special heat-trapping gas:  Reinterpreting-John-Tyndalls experiment The Fractal Record of heat-trapping  CO 2 Abstract This is a study to identify other places or instances where CO 2  traps heat in the everyday real world -  as it is implied. The 'fractal record' (taken from the fossil record) shows there are no examples (at least at a level to be measurable) or evidence to support the claim CO 2  traps heat; that CO2 is a special heat-trapping gas. Aims To develop the fractal (record) as an instrument of reason.   To end the carbon-climate debate. Introduction The fractal record should help settle the inductive argument (set by carbon-climatology) and show the truth and real relationship between heat and CO 2 . CO 2  and (infrared) heat are next to ubiquitous (at least) on Earth: in this entry, I shall (crudely, as I am not an expert) identify and analyse the occ...

Possible meeting with Lawrence Krauss

Tomorrow (Friday 15, 3, 2013) the school and program I am working at (IB ybc Stockholm Sweden) will have a visitor: Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss is coming to lecture, and be with our student's. What a wonderful thing. But for me, since I have know this coming, it has been very disturbing - as I am hoping to get time with him to pitch my discoveries. And I know if I do, and he 'gets it' that things will change. I am a concerned that as I have not officially published then my work, but am in the process of doing so, I will be giving my knowledge to an expert who can produce paper and publish very quickly, and take the credit. So I am writing this entry to expose this concern. But I have little choice: before I knew he was coming, I was at an end, near breakdown: I could not go any further on the topic of the expanding fractal and it relevance to quantum mechanics, expanding universe, dark energy and so on.. as it is too much for one person, I need support, I need an ego mass...

Measuring the fractal wavelength

An attempt to measure the fractal wavelength. Rational This entry came (to me) from working on the fractal spiral, the fractal wave, and de Broglie demand curve entries. As it is impossible to measure both time and distance, it may be possible to measure - even if only in principle - the distance of the wavelength - based on a known dimension, the length of the triangle side ( l ). Background. Fig. 1 below shows the fractal and its (while developing) 'wave-like' nature. It shows that the wave takes 6 iterations to repeat or produce one cycle, but it does not show the length of the wave or its wavelength ( λ). Fig. 1  Measuring the wavelength is an experiment. It occurred to me that the wavelength (λ) may be measured or at least better understood through a simple experiment. Method: Take the iteration 0 triangle and post it on a wall.  Cut the iteration 1 triangle from the fully developed Koch snowflake from a paper print.  Hold the paper at arm's lengt...