Lorenz Curve of the Universe's Elements

Lorenz Curve of the Universe's Elements Update May 2017 I have published a working paper on the Lorenz curve being a fractal property at academia.edu . Abstract Global income has increased exponentially over the last two hundred years; while, at the same time, respective Gini coefficients have also increased, this investigation tested whether this pattern is a property of the mathematical geometry termed a fractal attractor. The Koch Snowflake fractal was selected and inverted to best model economic production and growth: all triangle area sizes in the fractal grew with iteration time from an arbitrary size – growing the total set. The area of the triangle, the ‘bits’, represented wealth. Kinematic analysis – velocity and acceleration – was undertaken, and it was noted growing triangles propagate in a sinusoidal spiral. Using Lorenz curve and Gini methods, bit size distribution – for each iteration-time – was graphed. The curves produced matched the regular Lorenz curve...