Observed Galaxy Distribution Transition with Increasing Redshift a Property of the Fractal

I just published my third paper. This one is in response to this discovery:

I have found the universe is a standard, common garden variety fractal. It looks like a fractal – it is agreed by cosmologists to show fractal structure up to around 1 billion light-years out, and thereafter is smooth, just as the clip shows, saving General Relativity (apparently) – and acts as a fractal – it has a beginning, and expands exponentially – it is a fractal. All fractals show Hubble’s Law( increasing recessional velocity with distance from an observer) – and a cosmic microwave background –this is the trunk of your garden(fractal) tree. 

My presentation.

In Situ Experiment on Fractal Corresponds with Cosmological Observations and Conjectures


Fractal geometry is an accepted mathematical description of nature. One of the great questions in cosmology—along with what is the ‘dark energy’ and the other cosmic anomalies—is whether the universe is also fractal? The 2012 WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey found, in agreement with fractal-cosmology proponents, the small-scale observable universe is fractal, and the large-scale is not fractal. Fractals have not been modelled from the perspective of being within a growing one. Can a (different) fractal model explain all cosmological observations and conjectures, and if so, are we are modelling the fractal universe incorrectly? An experiment was conducted on a ‘simple’ (Koch snowflake) fractal, testing the perspective of an in-situ observer within a growing/emergent fractal — ‘looking back’ in iteration-time to its origin. New triangle sizes were held constant allowing earlier triangles in the set to expand as the set iterated. Classical kinematic equations of velocities and accelerations were calculated for the total area total and the distance between points. Hubble-Lemaitre's Law and other cosmological observations and conjectures were tested for. Results showed area(s) expanded exponentially from an arbitrary starting position; and as a consequence, the distances between points — from any location within the set — receded away from the ‘observer’ at increasing velocities and accelerations. It was concluded, at the expense of the cosmological principle, that the fractal is a geometrical match to the cosmological problems, including the inflation epoch, Hubble- Lemaitre and accelerated expansion; inhomogeneous (fractal) galaxy distribution on the small and homogenous on large scales; and other problems — including the cosmological catastrophe. The fractal may offer a direct mechanism to the cosmological problem and can further explain the quantum problem — unifying the two realities as being two aspects of the same geometry. 

 May 2021 Update.
I am continuing to improve my paper, mostly my writing. My conclusions have not changed. 


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