Is our skin colour evidence of Einstein's solution to the photoelectric effect and the (high energy of the) UV photon?

I think I touched on something profound today in class: is our skin colour evidence of Einstein's Nobel Prize work, the photoelectric effect and the (energy of the) photon? 
What Einstein established was 'light photons' increase in energy, in punch, as the frequency increases, and particularly after the ultra-violet in the electromagnetic spectrum. 
(pardon the pun 'particularly' - he is one of the fathers of quantum mechanics and particle photons).

Before the UV frequency, the energy of visible, IR (heat), microwave, and radio light is diminishing and very weak. 
Our skin colour, from this work by Dr Nina Jablonski (Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color), is determined by our ancestral exposure, or not, to UV - it's UV that kills us. We adapted/evolved skin colour to protect ourselves from the UV.
Light energy after the visible, in the UV, is dangerous to us; and our understanding of this was revealed to us by Albert Einstein and his quantum photoelectric effect paper.  
You may ask why we were talking about this in econ? It was to do with health systems and merit goods. 


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