Fractal Cosmology David Hogg Letter
Just so you know, a week or two ago, I sent what might have been the most important email of my life.
In March, I saw that the results of a recent large-scale universe quasar survey corresponded directly with my fractal model of the universe and that one of the authors of this survey/paper is the key opponent to fractal cosmology, Professor David W. Hogg of New York University. I had to respond, and I have.
This is some background from New Scientist Magazine 2007:
'Hogg's team feel that until there's a theory to explain why the galaxy clustering is fractal, there's no point in taking it seriously.
"My view is that there's no reason to even contemplate a fractal structure for the universe until there is a physical fractal model," says Hogg. "Until there's an inhomogeneous fractal model to test, it's like tilting at windmills."
In my email, I have shown him and all the authors (why not!) that I have that model, and it is described in the 2nd of two papers I published in the last 12 months and that it links inextricably to 'the quantum, described my first paper. That my model goes beyond the Italian fractal cosmologists of the 1990s. For links to my papers, see my previous posts.
If I don't hear back from them, I will publish the letter here on my blog.
You'll know, and if you don't, look back in my posts, I recently had my fractal model of the universe published. Cool, but I am always looking for evidence to support my theory. Not that there isn't any evidence (he would say that, wouldn't he ) Hubble expansion for one.
However, I am looking for new surveys on the distribution of galaxies. They are coming in increasingly with the latest and better telescopes just now.
I am looking for the distribution of galaxies to thin out ( a long tail) towards the 'edge' of the universe where I/we already know there are large structures are there too.
I claim it is as if we are in the branches of a mature growing tree (a fractal) looking out and back to the (long tail) trunk. It is as if we are surrounded by the trunk. Yup, strange, but well.
The standard/current model says the universe is smooth everywhere and has no special viewing place. Well, that is just wrong, and we all know it now. Sorry, Albert (lol).
Now, fractal cosmology is not new; it is not my idea at all; I have just taken it further to include the entire universe. But it was the talk of popular science in the likes of New Scientist, etc., some ten to twenty years ago, and the key opponent to the theory was Professor David Hogg. His team totally dismissed the theory, and cosmology has since moved on.
So, I saw on my phone that there was a new survey of the universe. Wow!
This one maps quasars (feeding black holes) right out to the observable 'edge' of the universe. Just incredible. When I got home, I quickly found the paper and started looking for a distribution diagram; that's all I wanted. I want a long tail out at the edge. And I found it (see figure), and the tail is there!! (very happy). Redshift z value of 3 to 4 is around 11 to 12 billion years out (of 14.7)
The thing is, I know that in that long tail lie the largest structures known: large quasar groups. This is more evidence for me.
Now, the funny thing is, if not crazy, this survey's lead author is no other than David Hogg. Woo! (Woo, at least for me)
In 2015, I met with the leading proponent of fractal cosmology, Italian Professor Luciano Pietronero. I explained to him what I had done/found and that he had not 'gone far enough and modelled the growth of a fractal from its beginning'. He said to me, 'Don't waste your time; no one is listening to this anymore. ' I was very disappointed, really.
So, here is Hogg with this survey (unbeknown to him), which I think holds key evidence that the universe is a fractal and is exactly what you would see if observing within a fractal.
Isn't that crazy!
Will he give me the time of day? I doubt it?
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