Big Bang Age of Universe Really an Absolute Time Dilation, Time Barrier: An Illusion

Here, I introduce my theory, which explains the age of galaxies at the edge of the observable universe. Based on the mechanics of special relativity and time dilation, I think we are witnessing a time barrier. 

You'd think that when you go on holiday, you should stop thinking for a while about 'the big questions' and take a break. Well, not me. In fact, I think even more, lol. I love it.

The Problem

One of the biggest problems I have—(it is not the only one, lol)—and many of you will know about it because I talk about it so much—is the age of the universe and why it is so young compared to the age of the Earth or the solar system. It is 13.8 billion in relation to our 4 to 5-ish billion years. In terms of geological Earth, where we talk about 'deep time', there is no time for deep time in the universe.
Why is the universe so young?!
Add to this the discovery last week by the James Webb Telescope that the oldest healthy galaxy is just 300,000 years from the Big Bang's beginning; something is wrong with our understanding. Deep time is needed to create the elements in that galaxy, and 300,000 years is just not enough for supernova nuclear synthesis.
I want to share with you the solution I came to yesterday as a mark in the sand before I write it up. If you don't mind, just for the record.

Solution: Time Dilation

So, I think I have found the solution, and I’m embarrassed to say what it is because I can’t believe no one else has thought about it. Yesterday I did research to see if anyone had but it seems like science is blinded by its focus on other things, on its own assumptions (about space itself expanding at the speed of light).
I think the solution is related to Albert Einstein's 1905 special relativity and time dilation. We are looking at a wall where time stops, a time barrier.
Einstein said in his theory of special relativity that time slows down if you’re moving — relative to an observer. As you watch something approach the speed of light, time will appear to slow on the moving /travelling body. At the speed of light, time will appear to stop to the observer.
Well, we are the observers, and the galaxies (relative to us) at the outer edge of the universe— right about the place where the Big Bang began — are expanding away from us at the speed of light! And faster!! Space is growing, which comes back to my fractal model because my fractal model does that. Just saying.

So for me, it makes absolute sense that what we’re observing is a wall of time a barrier, that we cannot see through. It is not the Big Bang beginning we are looking at; it is a time barrier. The universe is much older, and we may never know how old because of this barrier. It is like we are looking at a poster, a freeze frame of the past.

But there is more. Special relativity also says that things appear to get smaller from the observer's perspective as the traveller, the galaxies, approaches the speed of light. So, what does this mean for the universe? It must be larger than it appears to us, and that would fit my model perfectly.


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