Laws of Information and Knowledge

Fractal mechanics: the laws of information and knowledge derived from the fractal.

Like a fractal itself, these laws will/should - over time - grow, develop and form shape.

1       Knowledge

1.1      The fractal demonstrates the universality of knowledge and information.

1.2      Absolute knowledge is unachievable – as information is infinite.

2       Knowledge Equilibrium

2.1 By iterating – using, studying, researching, or experiencing the same rule, the fractal reaches what may be termed shape, knowledge, or fractal equilibrium.

2.2       Fractal equilibrium is reached at or around 7 plus or minus 2 iterations.

2.3      Fractal equilibrium is a superposition of the information.

2.4      The ‘same’ (or regular) component is what is known as a rule – and thus, this is the basis of Euclidian mathematics.

2.5      The ‘different’ (or irregular) component is the chaos – the diversity of the rule.

2.6      A paradigm is the number of iterations from the ‘first iteration’ to fractal equilibrium.

3       Knowledge development – the demand side

3.1      The fractal, and thus knowledge, is developed by repeating (or iterating) information in the ‘same’ regular way. 

3.2 The extra (marginal) utility or benefit of Knowledge is greatest at the first iteration and thereafter diminishes (exponentially) with each additional iteration in one paradigm.

3.3      Diminishing marginal (or extra) utility of knowledge derived from the fractal:

4       Knowledge – supply (production) side

4.1      Fractal production of extra knowledge comes at an increasing (exponential) cost or difficulty and is inverse to demand.

4.2 Knowledge claims and definitions (as demonstrated as a fully developed fractal shape) will ‘appear’ simple – or complete – on the surface but be complex in the detail. Simple: so as to be able to be refined or generalized into one word. Complex: so as to open more questions – the more we try to investigate (demonstrated in the fractal zoom).

4.3      Fractals, attractors, and chaos together demonstrate that we can know (the shape), but (future) outcomes cannot be predicted.

5       Irregularity

5.1      In reality, the same information repeats in a ‘different’ (or irregular) way – at all scales. This may be due to interference from other fractals.  

6       Ceteris Paribus

6.1      In a fractal ‘monotonic’ state of Ceteris Paribus – where there are no other fractals – only shape can be discerned.

7       Scale

7.1      In a state of Ceteris Paribus, the scale cannot be discerned.

8       Position

8.1      In a state of Ceteris Paribus, the position cannot be discerned.

8.2      Other fractals act as reference points – they give position.

9       Complexity

9.1.1      Transformation, emergence: From being a triangle (in iteration 1) to being something new – a snowflake.

9.1.2      From the above, everything ‘real’ has complexity or fractality.

9.1.3      From the small (the particular) we induce the large (the general), and conversely from the general we deduce the particular.

10   Growth

10.1   Growth is the change in the quantity of units – triangles on the fractal – after iteration.

10.2   There are limits to growth:

10.3   Area: the fractal area is finite; the (total) area of the fractal will grow at a decreasing rate.

10.4   Quantity: though the quantity of triangles is exponential, it is limited by the equilibrium of cost over benefit.

11   Development

11.1   Development is related to the complexity of the fractal structure; it is inextricably linked to the growth of the fractal.

11.2   Fractal Decay: is the inverse of fractal development and is also logarithmic.

12   Inflation

12.1   Inflation is demonstrated to the perimeter of the fractal: the perimeter increases (to infinity) after each and every iteration, while the area of each additional unit decreases – or devalues.   

13   Elasticity

13.1   Elasticity is the sensitivity of one variable to a change in another. It is explained and used in classical economics and is made relevant – through the fractal – to all things real.

14   Monopoly – Competition

14.1   Obstruction to iteration – though (for example) monopoly power – will produce an incomplete fractal shape or imperfect knowledge. Perfect shape (perfect knowledge) is achieved with open, competitive, unobstructed feedback.


16   Evolution

16.1   Evolution is demonstrated in the fractal – by zooming (through time): the ‘same’ (or regular) but ‘different’ (or irregular) through time. Evolution is universal.

17   The fractal record

17.1   The fractal record is the set of the ‘same’ rule and its possibilities, the ‘different’.

18   History

18.1   For something to be real, it will have a (complex) history. This is to say, it will demonstrate all the features of the fractal through time.



  1. Blair,

    What you are really studying is the rules for creation that have governed our reality from the big bang 16 billion years ago up through the development of the internet in 1992 on through to you reading this post. I share a lot of the same ideas and perspectives you do, but approach this topic from a slightly different angle. Let me know if you are interested in my ideas and I'll drop you an email.

  2. For more information about fractals, see:

  3. Blair, my name is Sara Johnson and I am so so interested in the findings you have made. I have made some of the same conclusions that you have and have found through my own experiences and research proving what you have discussed. Please contact me at my email


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