Response to Paul Sutter: Is the universe a fractal? Yes it is!
In response to Paul Sutter's, Is the Universe a Fractal? Yes, it is.
His response is lazy and outdated. It is Clickbait.
I am not saying this because I just wanted to; I am because I've tested it; I've modelled the growth of a fractal, and the fractal is the best fit. I wonder if any other person has done that, modelled a geometry to the movements of the universe? Put another way, if you model the growth of a fractal, which I have, the universe's evolution is precisely what you would expect to see. The distribution of galaxies is exactly what you expect to see. The large, smooth structure of the observable universe — the space that the sceptics of fractal cosmology point to as evidence of a breakdown in the theory — is, by my modelling, the trunk of a fractal structure. All fractals have this hierarchical structure. Take a look at a tree, and I have modelled tree growth too; the trunk is the majority of the area of a tree, and that trunk is the smooth outer universe that they are claiming to refuse fractal cosmology. And it is out there in that smooth outer universe where the large-scale structures are the large quasar groups; that's what I call the boughs of the fractal universe. And these structures are old, just what you would expect to see.
Moreover, by my model, you would expect to see Hubble expansion and, importantly, accelerated expansion. All fractals' growth accelerates with time. All plants or life are exponential. Plants are classic fractals. The universe is not like any other fractal. It is expanding away, surrounding us. And that CMB was once a seedling, to use the analogy.
So, Paul Sutter, you're wrong, and I challenge you to repeat my model.
And by the way, the fractal is an amazing geometry. I have found its key property, there are many, is duality. Not only does it explain the structure of the universe, but uncannily explains what is described as quantum. And I, too, have done that work and modelled it.
I have worked on this for some 20 years and had two papers published in the International Journal of Quantum Foundations. They are not peer-reviewed, but the editor, the author of four books on quantum mechanics, thought they were interesting. They are the best I can do as an amateur.
International Journal of Quantum Foundations, Speculations. The Fractal Corresponds with Light and Foundational Quantum Problems Experiment on Inverted Fractal Corresponds with Cosmological Observations and Conjectures
By the fractal, I have written an interpretation of quantum mechanics, and I think I can explain the phenomenon. By the fractal, I have explained the life scale structure of the universe, continuing what was begun by the early fractal cosmologists. I have unified the two.
Nobody has asked me any questions about my work.
Why don't you be the first Paul.
Else, in the words of Richard Dawkins, you are lazy.
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