The Passing of Benoit Mandelbrot

Last night, I was camping out with my wife in the forests in Sweden. We slept under the stars and this wonderful scotch pine above.
Apart from the romance of the setting, I went to sleep thinking about fractal explanations of (mostly) money inflation and its connection to economic growth, development, and sustainability.
They are really on my mind at the moment, and I will write about my findings soon.

I heard this morning that Benoit Mandelbrot - the father of Fractals, has died.
I don't know what to think: I thought I might meet him someday.
He certainly hadn't made it into the mainstream: When I asked, hardly anyone knew of him or his fractals—outside maths, of course.
Yet he made what I believe to be the greatest discovery in human history (and I mean it) because I am sure everything is fractal—evolution and all. We just don't really know how to use it yet.
His name and input will only grow in the same way (funny enough) as the fractals he founded.

If I (and I am sure many other thinkers) have anything to do with it - we will put his fractals up front.


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