Fractal equilibrium count

Continuing on from my earlier blog on fractal equilibrium : Koch Curve Animation From a fixed viewpoint: all fractals ('attractors') form their shape (are at fractal equilibrium) at and around 7 plus or minus 2 iterations - any more than this will come at too high a cost, and with no extra benefit - as shown in the animation of the Koch Snowflake development above. The 5 iterations to develop the fractal Koch snowflake in Fig. 1 (below)—the point where the blue extra (Marginal) area (MA) and green extra (Marginal) cost (MC) intersect—correspond to the point where the shape of the snowflake is fully developed. I believe this is not only a demonstration but also an explanation for The Magical Number—Seven, Plus or Minus Two—and is also observable throughout our reality. From any standpoint, there will be around 4,5,6,7, or 8 levels of protrusion. For example, from where I am writing, I can see out my window a park and...