
Showing posts from 2024

A paper in a day; Time Dilation at the Edge

 Yesterday, I put my thoughts to paper and produced a preprint in a day. No AI was used. My style of writing will tell you that.  I have learnt a lot in the process, and nothing has swayed me from my initial idea.  I think it is the greatest thing I have thought of indirectly in relation to my fractal and atmospheric work. It does, though, complement my other fractal work. Let's see what response I get.  Blair The Standard Model Big Bang Age of the Universe Confused for Special Relativity Absolute Time Dilation Barrier

Big Bang Age of Universe Really an Absolute Time Dilation, Time Barrier: An Illusion

Here, I introduce my theory, which explains the age of galaxies at the edge of the observable universe. Based on the mechanics of special relativity and time dilation, I think we are witnessing a time barrier.  The Standard Model Big Bang Age of the Universe Confused for Special Relativity Absolute Time Dilation Barrier You'd think that when you go on holiday, you should stop thinking for a while about 'the big questions' and take a break. Well, not me. In fact, I think even more, lol. I love it. The Problem One of the biggest problems I have—(it is not the only one, lol)—and many of you will know about it because I talk about it so much—is the age of the universe and why it is so young compared to the age of the Earth or the solar system. It is 13.8 billion in relation to our 4 to 5-ish billion years. In terms of geological Earth, where we talk about 'deep time', there is no time for deep time in the universe. Why is the universe so young?! Add to this the discover

News is now a Public Good

 My recent comment on a Facebook post on the losses New Zealand's national TV channel are making. TVNZ expects operational losses of $28m-$33m and ‘significant’ impairment Search ' Public Goods '. News and other entertainment, music, films, etc., have become public goods via the internet, called ePublic Goods. They fail as businesses due to non-excludability and non-rivalry. The free rider problem has become the free copy problem. It is one of the most significant problems of our time and is not going away. Public Goods (like National Defense) are funded by the state, which is a severe problem for 'democracy' to function.

Fractal Proof We Walked on the Moon

I quickly wrote this reply to a Facebook comment: " You guys really think he walked on the moon why and how do you know it’s true" My comment Purely by the complexity of the story. If it were fake, the complex story we know would have to have been scripted, top-down, like a movie script. The reality is that the story is infinite in complexity, right down to the people who stitched the suits, the boots, the chutes, and more. Full of stories by all of the hundreds of thousands involved. Every flight, hours and hours of specialist language, and the problems they had and overcame would all have had to be scripted. No one could do that. It was hard enough to script the 2-hour movie Apollo 13, the best of Hollywood in its time, and it wasn't really the real story compared to what is told by those there. It is my test, and it is the best. Reality is complex and fractal; fake is not.

Letter to Fractal Cosmology Opponent Hogg

 This is the letter I wrote to Professor David Hogg, the opponent of Fractal Cosmology.  Please see my posts 'Fractal Cosmology' and Letter to Fractal Cosmology Opponent Hogg , share this, and read my papers. Thank you.  Subject:   Quaia catalogue corresponding with transitions in a physical inhomogeneous fractal model Dear Professor Hogg,  Firstly, congratulations on your recent Quaia Quasar catalogue. I believe it, along with DESI, is one of the greatest achievements of all time. My name is Blair Macdonald. Ordinarily, I would have no business with you as I am not a cosmologist; however,  what  I have found should interest you all.   I have tried to make this as short and as simple as I can. Being it what it is, this is a complex. Bear with me, please. In short: I have published a model that corresponds to your observations: it is the fractal. This is why this email is directed to Professor Hogg. I have taken fractals beyond the Italian fractal cosmologists. I have found, in

Fractal Branch Distribution Experiment Corresponds with Universe Galaxy Distribution.

  The following continues my work on fractal cosmology. To access my papers and developments, look back to my recent posts over the last year.  I experimented on a tree to see if the fractal corresponds with galaxy distribution from the latest galaxy survey.  Introduction The recent Gaia telescope Quaia survey of the universe produced a galaxy distribution diagram (Figure 1) that shows an uneven distribution of galaxies with distance.  3D map of over 1 million black holes traces where the universe's dark matter lies. Figure 1. Galaxy distribution diagram (Figure 11) from the paper: Quaia, the Gaia-unWISE Quasar Catalog: An All-sky Spectroscopic Quasar Sample, Hogg and others This diagram offers an opportunity to test whether this universe distribution shape corresponds with the distribution from a fractal tree. If so, the observation location may be inferred. The rise from the origin, 0 distance, to a maximum is of inter

Fractal Cosmology David Hogg Letter

Just so you know, a week or two ago, I sent what might have been the most important email of my life. In March, I saw that the results of a recent large-scale universe quasar survey corresponded directly with my fractal model of the universe and that one of the authors of this survey/paper is the key opponent to fractal cosmology, Professor David W. Hogg of New York University. I had to respond, and I have. This is some background from New Scientist Magazine 2007: 'Hogg's team feel that until there's a theory to explain why the galaxy clustering is fractal, there's no point in taking it seriously. "My view is that there's no reason to even contemplate a fractal structure for the universe until there is a physical fractal model," says Hogg. "Until there's an inhomogeneous fractal model to test, it's like tilting at windmills." In my email, I have shown him and all the authors (why not!) that I have that model, and it is described in the

New Fractal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

I am writing a letter to the Nobel Laureate, John Clauser, explaining to him what I have published on fractal and quantum mechanics. For the first time, I may have written a totally new quantum interpretation. I had never thought of that before.  My fractal interpretation  of quantum mechanics covers all the other interpretations and more — it links quantum mechanics to cosmology. They are inextricably linked. I have not heard a word back from anyone.  My papers: International Journal of Quantum Foundations, Speculations. The Fractal Corresponds with Lig ht a nd Foundational Quantum Problems ). Experiment on Inverted Fractal Corresponds with Cosmological Observations and Conjectures What is a Quantum Interpretation?  This is from  The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics is a physical theory developed in the 1920s to account for the behaviour of matter on the atomic scale

TVNZ cuts and NewsHub's closing evidence of e-Public Goods

  I predicted this around 15 years ago. Media and similar goods, such as music, arts, etc., have become Public Goods through the development of the Internet. Check out what a Public Good is: a technical term in economics, non-excludable non-rival: they fail and are the 'blackhole' of markets. They are what I call e-public Goods, where the free rider has become the free copy. It gets more serious than this, as Public Goods need to be provided by the state. newshub's Samantha Hayes on TVNZ job cuts: ‘Some exceptional journalists are facing the chop’

The Hairdryer Gap Paradox Dr Roy Spencer Experiment

  Here, I present a paradox associated with IR thermograms; they do not show the temperature of the hot air coming out of a hairdryer—hence the gap. I discuss the background physics of the problem and offer a solution. Nitrogen and Oxygen are not received by the thermoelectric detectors in the camera. Since this clip, I have conducted an experiment running pure CO2 through a hairdryer, and it did exactly what I thought and did not heat the dryer. See the images below. The dryer would have shut down if the greenhouse effect were true, that CO2 passed its heat onto N2 and O2. There was no noticeable difference between air and pure CO2. This was a 250,000 per cent increase in the concentration of CO2. No notable effect.

Response to Sabine Hossenfelder Big Ring Galaxies

This post is in response to Sabine Hossenfelder's clip (below) Astrophysicists Find Big Ring of Galaxies that Should Not Exist .   I wrote the following in the comments. Sadly, it appears to be shadow-banned.  " This is key evidence that the universe is a fractal to me. I have modelled a (growing) fractal from the perspective of an observer within one. My model produces Hubble (diagram) expansion that is accelerating with time from a point beginning. Points on the fractal recede away just as galaxies are observed by astronomers. The model also predicts these large structures, what I call the boughs of the fractal. The CMB is the trunk. We are in the clustered and super-clustered branches of the fractal shape. Last week, my work was published in The International Journal of Quantum Foundations, and 8 months ago, I published in the same journal on how the fractal shares problems known as the quantum. The astronomical observations and the quantum problems are two aspects of the f

Second Paper Published Unifying Cosmos and the Quantum with the Fractal

Experiment on Inverted Fractal Corresponds with Cosmological Observations and Conjectures In around nine months, I have had my second paper accepted by the International Journal of Quantum Foundations, this one on Fractal Cosmology. My first was on the Fractal and Quantum problems. While these are not pair-reviewed, they are my unique ideas and experiments, and they are now crystallised in a journal.  What response will I get from these? The two papers go together. It has been around 26 years of thinking and working towards this. The fractal is 'the bridge' between the quantum and the cosmos. My work does not point to any insights on gravity, though it may have something to say about 'dark matter'. I will only progress on this if I get encouragement to do so. It is time to move on to other things.  See my early post on the submission of this paper.  Fractal Cosmology Paper Unifying Theory Submitted