Fractal Koch Snowflake Spiral

The Koch Snowflake Spiral 2024: last year, I published, using the following, an interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. International Journal of Quantum Foundations, Speculations. The Fractal Corresponds with Light and Foundational Quantum Problems Experiment on Inverted Fractal Corresponds with Cosmological Observations and Conjectures On route to understanding if fractals have a 'wavy' like nature , I finally put pencil to paper and drew what I'd been thinking. I have been pondering what effect a 'mutation' or change to one triangle - a dot at the apex of the triangle as shown below - would have or show on the iterating Koch Snowflake. I envisaged that it would spiral to infinity, as shown below. By tracing a smooth curve through the (red) 'dots' series of iterated mutant triangles, I would develop - what looks like - a kind of logarith...