
Showing posts from November, 2012

Fractal Log Analysis Linear functions

Koch Snowflake Fractal Log Analysis These are diagrams that I created last summer. I hoped that they would shed some light on fractal elasticity, but they didn't. However, I am not finished yet with them. I don't have the time or the more profound knowledge to do a complete analysis.  I am publishing them to show they exist, that this is what I have been doing, and because it is better to have them here than still on my computer. Someone else could look at them and make something of them.  I am sure—and can therefore infer—from their shape and characteristics in this analysis that this is the origin of the classical linear demand functions and linear supply functions— and all this from an understanding of the fractal.  I can only think of the: 'walk like a duck, quacks like a duck'. Linear Area Function, derived from the Koch Snowflake fractal.

Measuring knowledge elasticity with Youtube

Measuring knowledge elasticity with Youtube  A quick note on something I thought of some time ago. Many YouTube clips are not shown in their entirety, as one clip, but as a series of clips of (around) 10 minutes. It has been interesting to me to note the number of views for each of these 10-minute clips. One might think that the counts should be the same for each, but they are not. Are these counts a measure of the value of the knowledge in the clip? If the numbers remain near constant, one might say the knowledge is elastic—more knowledge can be gained by watching the next. If the numbers diminish, one might say the knowledge is inelastic—more knowledge is not gained by watching another.

The Fractal Cat

The fractal cat: as opposed to the quantum cat A discussion entry. At what size (or scale) would I have to shrink before my cat would eat me? Venus is my cat, and she is the nicest, calmest cat you can think of. However, I have seen her eat mice—not pretty. Is our relationship all about scale? Is this scale a measure or determinant of power?

Fractal Time: Absolute or Relative?

This is a discussion entry based on my fractal discoveries.   I have since published in 2023:  The fractal with no observation demonstrates no time.  T he fractal  with observation   demonstrates the passing of time, not absolute time, but relative time. 1. No time: -  A fractal in an isolated superposition demonstrates no time. It is only once a reference point is provided that an observation is made - that time is time. When we have a reference point on the fractal, we 'know' our position. The modern clock itself may be a reference point—without it, we could be anywhere or at any time. Without it, we are lost in chaos. The importance of a reference point in time is just as important as any other reference—it is to 'know'. Absolute time: In this blog, I have recently explored two critical areas of science in terms of the fractal: the expanding fractal (universe) and the de Broglie wave function. In both of these entries, I had to act in some kind of motion, c