
Showing posts from 2021

Does infrared radiate under water?

 I watched the following video clip on the La Pama volcano eruption. I was wondering, something I often think about, whether infrared heat radiation radiates through the water as it does the air. Would a diver feel the heat as they would if they were on land?  This question stems from my radiation experiment, where I discovered water blocks the infrared, whereas glass and greenhouse gases do not. Read here:

ePublic Good (Public Good) Prediction comes true in New Zealand

Over ten years ago, I wrote the article Is the Internet Making New Public Goods?  ePublic Goods.  In the article, I reasoned the internet is producing, based on the decline and failure in the entrainment and news media industries, a new type of Public Goods, ePublic Goods. e for electronic or internet-based. Public Goods are, along with Private, Club, and Commons (Common Pool) Goods, a key  phenomenon  in economics,  Governments support public goods, and I predicted that this may happen with the media, too, someday, at the risk of democracy. If this is true, it is not a good thing at all.  Firms in these industries are not profiting and are failing due to the loss of sales from the internet and have been downsizing. This is akin to the examples of market failure with the streetlights, fireworks displays, lighthouses and others. The media and entertainment firms are failing due to the same problems as with these normal Public Goods.  The non-rivalry is...

Emergent Fractal Attractor Corresponds with Foundational Quantum Problems

For over ten years, I have been writing a theory of quantum mechanics through the fractal. I have found that the fractal demonstrates all aspects of quantum. My problem has been getting this down on paper and publishing it. Over 6 months, in late 2020 and early 2021, I worked on the following paper with my supervisor, but in the end, I threw it down, not at all happy with what I had achieved. I need to approach it differently; rather than being an experiment, describe the fractal from a deductive point of view. I intend to do this when things have settled, and I have had a break from it all, but this is what I have achieved so far.  Keep in touch. I will let you know when I get started again.  Abstract The field of foundational quantum mechanics originated nearly one hundred years ago yet remains one of the greatest mysteries to physicists today. The experiment in this study tests whether the geometry of fractals, according to a simple isolated iterating fractal (the Koch Snow...

Proposal to test the Non-Greenhouse Gases for IR Radiation with the Raman spectrometer

By Greenhouse Theory, 99% of the dry atmosphere, nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2), (the non-greenhouse gases), are assumed not to absorb or emit infrared radiation. They are claimed to gain their heat energy from molecular 'collisions' with the 1% special heat-trapping greenhouse gases. This process of 'collisions' implies thermal conduction of heat.  Four things:  foundation radiation physics/ quantum mechanics claims all matter with a temperature radiates infrared light,   air is a poor thermal conductor, one of the poorest known (0.026W.m.K.),  if the, for instance, 0.04% CO2 did transfer heat by conduction to all the 99% nearly instantaneously, its claimed heat-trapping properties would have to be extraordinarily special to share this gained energy equally, not just special, and if the air did transfer heat by collisions, we would live in a hell of heat as we would feel the heat of every matter directly through the air.  If the greenhouse theory were ...

Rutherfords Edict No Communism in Lab

" Communist Propaganda is Not Allowed in the Lab." Lord Ernest Rutherford's Edict laid down on Russian Scientist Peter Kapitza's first day at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1921. Reference: Rutherford, J Campbell AAS Publications, pg 387. He is the most outstanding scientist of all time. His discoveries, by experiment, opened the door to the world we inherit. As a New Zealander myself, I am deeply inspired. I have been to his hometown many times. I used to work near Havelock and did my teacher training at Nelson College. By all accounts, he was a man of principle. I put this 'Rutherford's Edict' together this morning on his 150th birthday. His edict is lost today, and the likes of my work (on the fractal and the atmosphere) will never be seen because of it.

Radiation Transmitted by Atmosphere Raman

  I have just put the finishing touches on my model of the infrared atmosphere. It is artwork, really, but it is the culmination of 10 years of research. It builds on the previous 19th-century technology-based model of the same name, but mine includes measurements by the modern laser-based Raman spectrometer/Lidar. This knowledge is ignored by proponents on both sides of the climate debate. Both sides tell me I am wrong, but none tell me where I am wrong without breaking the laws and practical applications of physics. With this knowledge, there are no paradoxes or contradictions, for instance, that Nitrogen and Oxygen do not absorb or emit infrared radiation when, according to classical (and quantum) physics, all matter with a temperature radiates infrared. Your attention can be drawn to the blue and green (Raman detected) lines. These lines are not included in greenhouse theory, and as a result, Nitrogen and Oxygen (99% of the dry atmosphere) are claimed not to be greenhouse gases...

Giant Arc evidence of a fractal universe

I'm looking at my feeds, and I see astronomers have discovered (or finally recognised; we've known about them for years) that there is a 'large' structure at the outer edges of the universe. 3 billion years wide, 'Giant Arc'. This blows apart the standard model of cosmology as for it galaxy distribution is smooth on all scales. But a few have challenged this view and said the universe is fractal - fractal-cosmology. I came into this from the outside, indirectly. The universe is recognised 'by science' as being fractal on small scales (out to around 1 billion years), but on large scales, it is smooth and assumed not fractal. No, it is not smooth, and nor should it be. I have taken fractal cosmology further by modelling a fractal (doing the maths directly from a fractal, an experiment). Big structures like the Giant Arc are exactly what we would expect to see—like big branches on a tree near the trun...

Thermal camera Hairdyer gap paradox

The IR 'hairdryer paradox'. This is a thermogram of an operating hairdryer, taken using the same technology that enables us to understand greenhouse gases—thermoelectrics. Why is there a gap after the hairdryer outlet? Is the air not hot? Yes, it is blowing onto a surface, so it must be hot. Is the air not radiating infrared (heat)? Everything with a temperature radiates IR, but from this image, it appears 'air' (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) doesn't—hence, they are termed non-greenhouse gases. But this is wrong. It is that the instrument's thermo-transductive detector does not transduce electricity from the radiant heat of nitrogen and oxygen molecules. How did the 'air' get hot in the first place - and so quickly - if it does not absorb IR radiation? Air is an extremely poor thermal conductor of heat (0.026 W/(m K) ) and has a very low thermal diffusivity. Convection must imply radiation and/or conduction, so what is it? It has to be from radiation. Nitr...

Fake Silver Coin Candle test.

Candle test. It is my test, but it works based on silver's high thermal conductivity compared to other metals. From a coin at room temperature, hold the edge of a coin on the top of the yellow candle flame; it should take around 9 to 15 seconds for real silver before it is too hot to hold. And when the heat comes, it comes fast. Other metals are way over 20 seconds and up to 35 seconds. If you are worried about damaging the coin, it's not going to if it is real silver.

Refuting Greenhouse Theory Kitchen Experiment: GHGs and glass transparent to real IR heat and Germanium non-transparent

Does IR transparent germanium block infrared radiation? No, it does not. Summary According to greenhouse theory, glass, H2O, CO2, and other greenhouse gases are claimed to absorb infrared (IR) radiation. They are non-transparent to the infrared. Conversely, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Germanium are assumed to be transparent to IR. We know this by the instrument that measures IR, the thermoelectric thermopile. By a simple experiment, I tested the said substances for the said claims by exposing the substances to real 'hot' infrared heat radiation. The heat that burns without contact. All but for water failed the test: it is the complete opposite of what is claimed. I concluded that the instrument, the thermopile, has led us to a systematic error. Greenhouse theory is based on this instrument and, as a result, is incomplete. Background I’d like to share with you, for the record and as brief as I can, an experiment I conducted this time last week that refutes the foundational physics o...

The Peace Gun

To understand why he doesn't turn the key, imagine the pistol has another barrel that points back at the shooter and also fires when he shoots. If every firearm had that double-barreled feature, they - just like nukes - would (all else being equal) never be used. From my thinking.