
Showing posts from 2013

The Gassy Messenger: the magic of IR thermopiles

I have now published my updated theory of the atmosphere.  Augmenting 19th Century Thermoelectric Greenhouse Theory with 20th Century Quantum Mechanics Raman Spectroscopy: Towards a Coherent Radiation Theory of the Atmosphere Update: 22,04,2015 I have recently (and finally) published: Reinterpreting and Augmenting John Tyndall’s 1859 Greenhouse Gas Experiment with Thermoelectric Theory and Raman Spectroscopy  at:  and  . Here is a youtube presentation of my findings: Abstract Climate science's fundamental premise – assumed by all parties in the great climate debate – says the greenhouse gases – constituting less than 2% of Earth’s atmosphere, first derived by John Tyndall in his 1859 thermopile experiment and demonstrated graphically today by infrared IR spectroscopy – are special because of their IR (heat) absorbing property. From this, it is – paradoxically – assumed the (remaining 98%) ...

The gassy messenger: N2 and O2 are also greenhouse gases

Update May 2015 I have recently (and finally) published my findings: Reinterpreting and Augmenting John Tyndall’s 1859 Greenhouse Gas Experiment with Thermoelectric Theory and Raman Spectroscopy  at:   and   . Abstract Climate science's fundamental premise – assumed by all parties in the great climate debate – says the greenhouse gases – constituting less than 2% of Earth’s atmosphere, first derived by John Tyndall in his 1859 thermopile experiment and demonstrated graphically today by infrared spectroscopy – are unique because of their IR (heat) absorbing property. From this, it is – paradoxically – assumed the (remaining 98%) non-greenhouse gases N 2  nitrogen and O 2  oxygen are non-heat absorbent. This paper reveals, by elementary physics, the (deceptive) role thermopiles play in this paradox . It was found that for a speci...

The 'Dark' Climate and its 'Dark' Gases

There is a climate paradox: modern greenhouse climate theory states or infers that 98% of gases (nitrogen and oxygen) have no thermal role in the atmosphere. All thermal activity is due to the 2% greenhouse gases. I have termed this paradox the Dark Climate or the Dark Gases. I have continued this entry at:   See you there.

The Denomination Standard: regularity in money through time and place

The Denomination Standard (as opposed to the 'gold standard'): regularity in currency through time and place. A unit of gold is said to (give and take a little) buy the same good through time - hence the gold standard. My hypothesis is: does the denomination 'size' of fiat money (currency) buy the same goods (as opposed to the nominal size, which will differ from time to time, place to place).  How many of the lowest paper notes does it take to buy 'x' good - my case a big mac. In the developed world, it generally costs around 2 of the lowest denomination notes for a McDonald's Big Mac (2012). Of course, the amount grows the less developed the country - Sri Lanka 29. A 'standard note' (thank you to my student Paul) may stand like a 'standing wave' over time and place; nominal prices will flow (rise) through it. Difficult to find a standard good, and there are lag times, of course, as notes stay in circulation for some time in stable e...


A momentous morning for me.  Copernicus and Galileo were my inspirations, and after (this morning) uncovering and clearing some critical details, I’m now not afraid anymore – to speak, to show. Last month, I published on my blog two entries I had been working on for the previous 5 years: one on the fractal record of CO2 and the other on the fractal profile of CO2 (still in progress). (   and ). This morning, I published a complementary ‘wiki website ( ) to these entries that will show and democratise ‘the where(?)’ (the examples of phenomena – at all scales) (or not!). Where does a phenomenon do as it is ‘said’ to do? Orbiting bodies and a sun-centred ‘universe’ is a good case: before the telescope and evidence, a world of dogma, and after, a world of ‘science’. With the Hubble and (broken) ...

A fractal derived theory of religion: survival

Religion is an Emergent Fractal   Structure Formed From the Life Force Survival. Blair D. Macdonald First Posted:   2013 -5 -7 Update: 2015- 12- 18 Absract This paper addresses a possible cause of religion or secular belief. It suggests it is an advanced, evolved manifestation of the life force survival. The developed human brain manages survival for—and in—the afterlife. The human mind can imagine the afterlife and so must survive; religions have evolved to meet this demand. This survival theory may also explain secular religions. 1         Introduction The fractal, far from being only exciting images and complex mathematics, is also – as I am personally discovering – an instrument of great insight that complements science and its ‘mission’ to understand and explain the workings of the universe. I have been attempting to decipher and understand this instrument; from classical eco...

The Fractal Profile of CO2

The Fractal Profile of CO2 In this entry, I aim to analyse the properties of CO2 (in relation to the climate) –  and demonstrate the fractality (the repeating) of this knowledge and properties. Does (heat-trapping) CO2 shape up to our general knowledge, and 'laws' of physics. I am not an expert, but am curious to investigate. Heat-trapping - Specific Heat Capacity Infrared Opaqueness and Transparency Atmospheric Concentration: CO2’s weight behaviour Emissivity Lags: Does CO2 drive temperature - or does Temperature drive CO2? Density Solubility - buffers I have now published a wiki website:  to help democratise the science- 1.  'Heat trapping' CO2:  Specific Heat Capacity    In my next entry ( The Fractal record of heat-trapping CO2 )  I will expose the instances where CO2 should trap heat but doesn't - at least to be measurable.

The fractal record of (heat trapping) CO2

Update 2015 05 04 I have discovered why CO2 is not a special heat-trapping gas:  Reinterpreting-John-Tyndalls experiment The Fractal Record of heat-trapping  CO 2 Abstract This is a study to identify other places or instances where CO 2  traps heat in the everyday real world -  as it is implied. The 'fractal record' (taken from the fossil record) shows there are no examples (at least at a level to be measurable) or evidence to support the claim CO 2  traps heat; that CO2 is a special heat-trapping gas. Aims To develop the fractal (record) as an instrument of reason.   To end the carbon-climate debate. Introduction The fractal record should help settle the inductive argument (set by carbon-climatology) and show the truth and real relationship between heat and CO 2 . CO 2  and (infrared) heat are next to ubiquitous (at least) on Earth: in this entry, I shall (crudely, as I am not an expert) identify and analyse the occ...

Possible meeting with Lawrence Krauss

Tomorrow (Friday 15, 3, 2013) the school and program I am working at (IB ybc Stockholm Sweden) will have a visitor: Cosmologist Lawrence Krauss is coming to lecture, and be with our student's. What a wonderful thing. But for me, since I have know this coming, it has been very disturbing - as I am hoping to get time with him to pitch my discoveries. And I know if I do, and he 'gets it' that things will change. I am a concerned that as I have not officially published then my work, but am in the process of doing so, I will be giving my knowledge to an expert who can produce paper and publish very quickly, and take the credit. So I am writing this entry to expose this concern. But I have little choice: before I knew he was coming, I was at an end, near breakdown: I could not go any further on the topic of the expanding fractal and it relevance to quantum mechanics, expanding universe, dark energy and so on.. as it is too much for one person, I need support, I need an ego mass...

Measuring the fractal wavelength

An attempt to measure the fractal wavelength. Rational This entry came (to me) from working on the fractal spiral, the fractal wave, and de Broglie demand curve entries. As it is impossible to measure both time and distance, it may be possible to measure - even if only in principle - the distance of the wavelength - based on a known dimension, the length of the triangle side ( l ). Background. Fig. 1 below shows the fractal and its (while developing) 'wave-like' nature. It shows that the wave takes 6 iterations to repeat or produce one cycle, but it does not show the length of the wave or its wavelength ( λ). Fig. 1  Measuring the wavelength is an experiment. It occurred to me that the wavelength (λ) may be measured or at least better understood through a simple experiment. Method: Take the iteration 0 triangle and post it on a wall.  Cut the iteration 1 triangle from the fully developed Koch snowflake from a paper print.  Hold the paper at arm's lengt...