Air Radiation: Is the land heated first or is the air heated - by the sun
Radiation: does the sun - by radiation - first heat the earth and then warm the air - to disperse fog? Or, is it the air that is radiated first - as I have claimed? This 'earth first' is the premise of GH theory (the non-GHGs don't absorb IR, right?) and, interestingly, meteorology theory with fog dispersion explanations. They both claim the land is first heated and then the fog disperses. In this clip, we see the fog disperse to the morning sun over a lake. Note that there is little to no wind. I assume the lake temperature will likely be constant over the time the clip is filmed. The obvious solution is that radiation at its quantum IR absorption emission spectra warms the air. The air temperature rises, pressure changes and water evaporates—a blue sky.