Breaking the Carbon Climate Spell with the fractal.
YouTube intro from the Author:
Last Update 2010 -12-16
Here you see something I have been working with for the last 4 or 5 years, and I am feeling more and more happy with it. It's still in the rough, still in the draft, a work in progress - but the idea should be clear.
I am working on a wiki for everyone to get involved.
It is said: 'People in glass houses (greenhouses) shouldn’t throw stones'.
The breaking of the carbon climate spell - with today's telescope, the fractal.Before you begin reading this blog, can I suggest you ponder on this (fractal) thought experiment:
Imagine, if you will:
You have a button you can push - on or off - that will set in place your beliefs so that they will be universal and observable at all scales and explain everything.
In this case, your beliefs are that CO2 plays a dominant role in the greater atmosphere, with respect to temperature and is responsible for 'global warming'.
When pushed on, this belief will be the truth and will account for CO2 for all related temperature phenomena—at all scales.
When you push the button, you can expect one of two realities:
1) no change - showing you were right: we have a universal understanding of the behaviour of CO2.
2) an absolute change - you were wrong: nothing is recognisable, including yourself, as life, and indeed, the universe has evolved using your understanding.
Would you push it?
Now repeat, using water instead.
Would you push it?
In other words - would you put your life on your newfound knowledge?
CO2 (in its gaseous state) casts no shadow to light nor does it to logic; it's orderless and invisible; it's new(ish) too - at least to science - discovered around three hundred years ago and, as a consequence, is known only by its given scientific name throughout the world (unlike H2O). It is set to be the perfect, new 'God-like' 'blame' thing.
The recent passing of mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot saw the media attempt to assign applications to his genius, the fractal—there are few.
Here, I've found an application - as a truth detector, a light.
There's a problem with the 'new carbon dioxide (CO2) centred' understanding of the global climate system - whether or not at the hands of humans; it is not fractal - it doesn't hold at other scales.
In this blog, I hope to expose this problem - not by analyzing and bitching over historical climate data but by applying insights gained from a relatively new and exciting mathematics, fractals.
I shall first introduce a theory of knowledge derived from the fractal that will expose Carbon Climate Science. This will be followed by an examination of the CO2 profile, and finally, I will introduce 'the Fractal Record,' a new way of viewing knowledge—testing for the truth. I aim to offer a solution that will get us all thinking and end this deadlock in the great debate once and for all.
Fractals will unlock our lateral thinking, logic and reason and should offer a decisive perspective. Fractals will re-calibrate our ‘general’ knowledge of climate, reinstating water - in the context of its heat-trapping ability - to its rightful place in the hierarchy of atmospheric gases. I am not suggesting CO2 does not play a part, for that it surely does – relative to the vacuum of space - but relative to water, it is little competition, and it is this fact I shall conclude.
As a person who spends his time spotting fractal patterns in the beautiful world we live in, I view this new (every) school textbook portrayal (as it has now become) of a carbon-centred climate as odd - and it aches me as it is to listen to an out of tune contestant in American reality TV show Idol. I am no more a scientist than I am a music specialist, but I know when something is wrong. I feel strongly in saying that carbon climate science is currently way out of tune.
Just as the telescope ended the dogma-laden spell of an Earth-centered Universe - exactly 400 years ago -fractals today will similarly end the belief in (what I call) a CO2-centered climate. The telescope revealed to us that a pattern repeated; in this case, four moons were observed to be orbiting Jupiter just in the same pattern as our moon orbits the Earth: it unlocked the pattern of orbiting bodies, one which we now know repeats itself in all kinds of different ways and scales - from large scale galaxies to our (most basic or early) understanding of the subatomic world.
Why carbon climate science is not valid:
Climate and fractals
To me, what is on trial here is not the climate record at all but the role - or profile - of CO2 in the climate system. - or as I shall discuss, in any system. Particularly, what effect does heat have on CO2. CO2 as a potent heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere does not practise: that is to say, it does not repeat in any significant way to reveal this claim and account for any other similar heat-related phenomena in which it is also present to us. If CO2 is said to be so amazing in the greater atmosphere, it follows it should also be amazing elsewhere, too. This is what fractality is. A reasoned - or fractal - look at CO2’s heat-related profile and CO2's 'the fractal record' will reveal the truth that CO2 isn't that amazing at that temperature. It is a relatively temperature-insensitive or benign gas – at all scales, environments and circumstances. If it were so amazing, then the likes of our respiration, weather forecasting, microclimates, avalanche /snow pack theory, greenhouse food production, and (my favourite) plate tectonics would all be accounted for by CO2. Indeed, if heat-trapping CO2 had any validity at all, we should expect 'life' itself would have evolved - taking advantage of it - or even used it in such things as climate control in insect nests, our respiration and we would expect 'the market' - with all the current political focus and pressure - to use CO2 as a solution to global warming. But it hasn't. Why not? Because it can't and it won't - at least in any significantly measurable amount.
A Theory of Knowledge:
Fractal insights into carbon knowledge claims:
What's the connection? Why fractals?
Fractals are said to be one of the most important mathematical discoveries ever - the most important.
Fractals demonstrate to us how the universe is 'built' on simple rules. These rules, or knowledge, (CO2 in this case) seem to repeat at all scales: not in a regular predictable (straight line) way, but in a rough irregular, unpredictable way.
So, what do I see in fractals that shows us that carbon climatology is so wrong? It breaks the universal rules of knowing.
The rules of knowing: as taken from the fractal:
Rule 1. If the (general) knowledge of the rule is ‘good’ or well understood enough, then we should see it repeat itself - ceteris paribus, all else held constant - throughout the (known) universe.
Fig. 1 Development of the Koch Snowflake

This is the main point of my blog and it is rule 1 that I shall expand on with 'the fractal record' later.
Rule 2. That knowledge (such as definitions) should be simple on the surface (as shown in step 4) but complex in detail (the fractal zoom) - knowledge shares both simplicity and complexity or difficulty when it comes to defining something.
The carbon climate explanation or definition is simple, too simple, and to too many: it is described in a difficult-to-understand way to anybody, from informed adults to a nine-year-old child – no disrespect - and from the heavy textbooks and dictionaries to the basic children’s book. It reads as if is a poster or picture 'cut and pasted' from scripture -compared to the real. It is a flat character.
It is not complex, and this is odd, and it leads me to the next insight or rule, which is a wow insight.
If we zoom in on any part of the curve—as you can see below—we see what could be the most important insight into knowledge humanity has ever seen: the seemingly endlessness of knowledge. No matter how deep one drills or zooms into the set, there is always more and more, more and more of the same stuff, more and more complexity. But all of this is built on a simple rule—in the Koch Curve Snowflake, adding triangles from steps 1 to 4.
Rule 3. Coupled with the second rule, the fractal zoom shows that knowledge is deep and can, in a sense, be mined on and on even though we have a general understanding: it will open more questions than it answers—we never fully know.
CO2 does not open more questions about climate, which one could go on to study forever - as water does, and it doesn't leave us still not fully understanding what we've got. Listen to Scientists at the top of their game on subjects as large as gravity or evolution - both of which are strongly established facts - you will hear them almost always utter the words, “We’re still not sure why” or “We still have much to learn”, or “we still don’t have a full understanding”. This is the fractality of knowledge.
(Carbon) climatologists utter no such words. They conversely claim to know, claim to have proof, and claim to have consensus on the climate.
A knowledge claim - like those stated on any contents page of any general science book - should be able to be studied further, and maybe even forever (I hope) and to the highest of academia. Indeed, I actually - without looking - dealt that there is even one University department - in the world - that offers a PhD to puzzle our understanding of the role CO2 has on the climate system: contrast this with other issues of mass destruction such as viruses, asteroids, and the like and we are talking every related institution. Further, I've never heard a Scientist speak on carbon climate as you hear them speak on the likes of lightning, clouds, aerodynamics, etc - it's just shallow talk.
If it is not studied at any deep level, then just what is CO2 climatology? Myth?
Rule 4. That models help us understand phenomena but do not allow us to predict the future with any accuracy – reality is just too complex.
Fractals and Chaos theory have their origins in climate science. Climate scientists should know better: You cannot predict the future with models—economists don't, at least with any accuracy.
Rule 5. General Understanding (for now) is only found where there is free and open peer review – or competition. The monopoly of knowledge is damn right dangerous in any arena.
Refer to my previous blogs for more on Perfect information.
The CO2 profile:
Here, I attempt to analyse what we know about CO2 - in relation to climate.
Greenhouse effect
Choose your metaphors; fractals, chaos and attractors are all known to be the mechanics behind metaphors: if you think we live in a greenhouse – you can expect stones to be thrown.
The greenhouse metaphor for the Earth's atmosphere is wrong. A greenhouse traps air behind a glass barrier, restricting convection when air is heated, resulting in an increasing local (inside the greenhouse) air temperature. It should not be associated with the global climate system at all—we do not live in a glasshouse! Convection does repeat and is one of the laws of thermodynamics.
In fact, the metaphor connected between greenhouses and CO2 should relate to modern production greenhouses, where CO2 is actually pumped into them at a relatively high concentration—to improve production! That is the real greenhouse effect of CO2.
Atmospheric Concentration: CO2’s weight behaviour
We all know and don't challenge that helium and hydrogen are lighter than air gases: CO2 is heavier than air gas – all else being equal - it will sink down if released into the atmosphere. But not all is equal, and so it blows around and dilutes quickly away at low concentrations, but we are shown images of CO2 rising from smokestacks up into the atmosphere and led to believe that it is floating around - yet its molecular weight of 44.010 g/mols shows it to be a lot heavier than air at 29 g/mols .
Fractalise it: At a small scale—made in the kitchen using baking soda and vinegar—we can easily demonstrate its weight by pouring it out above a candle; it will flow and put out the candle just like a flow of water, as shown here.
At a larger scale, volcanoes—which we respect for their sometimes very high CO2 concentrated outflows—flow out or down the sides of the mountain and pools in low places—like water. These outflows are real and lethal: the lake overturn of Lake Nyros in Africa is a horrific recent example.
This flow killed everything in its steam.
When reading about volcanic hazards, many references are made to CO2 and its downward-flowing behaviour; none mention CO2 being a ‘rising into the air’ gas.
Any thought of this by volcanologists would have to be gross negligence to the people living below.
Heat-trapping: CO2’s specific heat capacity
Infrared is Heat!
Teach it any other way, and you are going to get burnt. If you want to know how heat affects a substance - its trapping ability - simply find its specific heat capacity coefficient. explanation of heat capacity
CO2 has a heat capacity of around 1/2 that of water vapour - which is less than that of the heat capacity of air in general - and it won't store heat in any special way. .
Liquid water, on the other hand, has one of the highest heat capacities - some 4 times that of CO2 .
Liquid water will hold its heat 4 times longer than air or CO2, and we can see this evident in scale (fractal) examples from warm, steamy bathrooms, our warm breath, hot saunas, oceanic currents, clouds, water heating in homes, water cooling, and so on.
I even have a practical hypothermia survival application. I was taught to use a large plastic bag to trap the warm, moist air breathed out while huddled in the bag. The moist, warm air gets into the patient's lungs and helps warm them. I’ve tried it—had to use it once—and it worked. Or was it the warm CO2?
CO2 lags behind Temperature:
This issue is the crux issue of the issue.
CO2 lags behind temperature, at the small scale (kitchen as seen in the video below) to the large(r) global scale shown in the global soil maps below:
The earth clearly vents CO2 with seasonal temperature changes, and this should not be surprising; it also vents water vapour.
Click and listen to this radio podcast, in which 'scientists' inadvertently discuss what I term CO2 venting in hot (drought) years.
click this and then soil carbon, then go to 02:40
It fractalises - it seems CO2 ‘vents out’ with temperature rise - at all scales.
It interests me that CO2 appears to be more and more insoluble as the temperature rises – from small-scale to large-scale oceanic solubility pumps, which may explain this venting.
What’s more (surprisingly!), CO2 density decreases with an increase in temperature. It gets lighter when it warms and rises in the same way we understand air does.
The (CO2) Fractal Record
Inspired by the fossil record (which traces the evolutionary journey of living things through the scale of time), I intend to trace—at all reasonable scales—the expected or 'inferred' impact CO2 has (or should have) on the environment.
The fractal record should be a straight line on a log (a power law) diagram, meaning there are many examples at small scales and few at large scales.
If it's good enough for the carbon climatologists - we should be able to INFER it good enough for…
Our Language, culture and arts
If CO2 were so 'alarming', it would appear in our languages, cultures and arts worldwide and throughout history. Interestingly, CO2 is unknown (to my knowledge), unlike water, as anything other than its scientific name. Water, like CO2, is everywhere, known (at least in my language, English) with words like wet, humid and icy: CO2 fizzy, bubbly, choking.., but not ever weather related at any scale - other than today's climate. CO2 is not in our poetry - as a metaphor.
Our perceptions: an invisible and odourless gas:
Imagine for a moment if we could see CO2 as quickly as you can water (clouds). Would we feel the same about it if it were as visible? It's everywhere. What would the chances be of convincing people to cut our emissions of water and store it away to manage the climate? This may not be as crazy as it sounds, but it would logically - based on the evidence, I am supporting water.
(Our) Respiration
If we breathe out or expire during respiration around 4 to 5% CO2 - 40,000 to 50,000ppmv—compared to the current 391 – 450ppmv of concern in the atmosphere, then CO2 should—at least in part—explain why our breath is warm.
However, I have found no reference that would support such a thesis. It is well understood in Medicine and Biology that water vapour functions by raising the outside air temperature to our body temperature before the air reaches our lungs.
Interesting to see the pollution is trapped down by the inversion - does that include CO2?
Plate tectonics
One of the great geological revelations of the modern scientific age is plate tectonics and continental drift, which may be powered by water. At oceanic subduction zones - where water (along with carbon) is subducted - water is said to play an important role by lubricating the subducting slab and lowering the melting temperature of the rock, forming magma, which rises to the surface to form volcanoes and continental crust. It is said that water drives the whole process; effectively, we would not be here if it were not for this process.
What interests me is that in the above process, CO2 is not mentioned as even being part party to the 'crime'. Yet it is there, and it is there in extremely high volumes and concentrations.
Please view this next YouTube lecture.
This is a brilliant lecture and should be watched in its entirety. But may I draw your attention to 23:04, when the real CO2 (under such heat and pressure) is revealed? You will hear that CO2 all but subducts. CO2 is passive in contrast to water, and this is totally consistent with its fractal record.
CO2 is relatively heat benign.
On the other hand, the volatility of explosive volcanoes is often explained by comparing them to and being scaled similar to that of a cork being released from a champagne bottle—there are no problems scaling that analogy.
Carbonated Beverages
From the above, why aren't there any temperature (packaging) issues surrounding the 'bottling or canning of carbonated drinks? If CO2 is so dangerous, why do we still have carbonated drinks?
That alone is inconsistent with dangerous goods.
Mosquitos and rescue robots
Mosquitoes hone in on the trail of their prey's (exhaled) CO2. They then—when in close proximity—switch to heat scenery IR detection. In none of the references I found on this did I read that they do both—which you would think they would—at the same time: track the heat trail of the CO2.
Similarly, at a more human scale, I listened to this radio interview on robotic rescue technology where droids will - like the mosquitoes - track buried people track them by first sensing their CO2 and then their body heat - again, not by sensing both.
Apollo 13
Commander Jim Lovell spoke on CO2 heat and water in his personal commentary on the DVD version of the Hollywood movie Apollo 13. He clearly describes the situation - where the three men were in a survival situation - but makes no logical mention of a connection between the (cold) temperature situation and the high CO2 concentration.
He described the worries of :
- the cold and how the spacecraft was losing heat over time - due to no power - down to near freezing at the end of the flight
- and the rise in CO2 levels,
- also, the condensation builds up because of the cold temperatures and the concern of electric shorting.
- He also mentions how, when sleeping in this very cold (just above freezing) capsule, a " blanket-like" of warm air developed around them whenever they woke.
His language reflects natural science - real cause and effect - the stuff of the textbook.
According to new carbon climatology science, CO2 should have helped them; it should have helped maintain temperature in this micro environment—but there is no mention.
There is no connection - unlike the real phenomena and risk of water-based condensation.
In a recent TV science documentary, I was interested to hear from a scientist who thinks that if we humans could set off a runaway greenhouse effect on Mars, we could someday live there. This intrigues me: Mars, as it is, has a 97% CO2 atmosphere and is affected by solar radiation and, thus, heat.
According to new carbon climatology science, CO2 should have helped them; it should have helped maintain temperature in this micro environment—but there is no mention.
There is no connection - unlike the real phenomena and risk of water-based condensation.
In a recent TV science documentary, I was interested to hear from a scientist who thinks that if we humans could set off a runaway greenhouse effect on Mars, we could someday live there. This intrigues me: Mars, as it is, has a 97% CO2 atmosphere and is affected by solar radiation and, thus, heat.
There is a diurnal temperature cycle. Here again, the pattern should show up. Mars’s radiated infrared (heat) should be absorbed by its (even if weak) CO2 atmosphere to keep it a little warmer at night. Instead, from what I can see, temperatures rise and then plummet; there is no such water vapour buffer as we have here on Earth.
The Market
Again, if CO2 were as sensitive as it is made out to be, wouldn’t you think that it would at least be part of the solution to global warming—it does trap heat, right?!
Where I grew up - in (Southern) New Zealand - we had, and still have, an environmental problem with introduced, predator-free animals - such as the deer from Europe and North America and opossums from Australia - where they eat out and destroy the native flora and fauna. I myself was involved - be it in a small way - in this massive (national) market solution where we trapped and hunted the vermin and then exported the produce - fur and meat. It all evolved out of necessity, and while not completely solving the problem, we never will; we are managing it - as shown in this clip.
Similar to the above, one would think that the entrepreneur—seeking profit—would’ve discovered all the opportunities CO2 offers. What’s more, all of this would have happened long ago—all the solutions would be old and known.
The reality is that we haven’t found any temperature-trapping-related use for CO2, and in all respects to ourselves, nor has any other living thing (to my knowledge). Instead, scientists and entrepreneurs are—bizarrely—lobbying the Government, finding ways to bury it like it is a toxin.
Industry applications for CO2
The following is a comprehensive reference that shows no evidence of temperature utility for CO2.
CO2 gas fill–in double-glazed windows
I would like to suggest a market solution to end this problem once and for all.
I propose to collect this (precious to live) gas and use it as insulation, the most practical being in double-glazed windows. I have reasoned, read and consulted with people in the window industry enough to know that it definitely will not work – at least enough to be measurable or economic - and to be fair and balanced, I have also equally reasoned, read and consulted enough people in the climate arena to know CO2 is not working there also – at least enough to be measurable.
I quote from this industry website: “Other types of gases can be used (for example, sulphur hexafluoride, carbon dioxide) to reduce sound transmission, but these gases do not offer the improved thermal performance of the inert gases mentioned above.” Who says the market is the first to rip people off?
If it works in the atmosphere, it should equally work in our homes and workplaces—in our windows. After all, we use water in radiators to regulate the temperature in the same scaled way the atmosphere and oceanic currents regulate temperature globally.
Standards should be set that all windows be CO2-filled in the name of saving our planet. Agents from government or small firms will specialize in the drilling, filling, and sealing of windows. A sticker will show proof of fill (or should that be proof of fool), and money will be exchanged for the service. It will be next to impossible to test if a window is actually filled, as CO2 is colourless and odourless.
At a micro-scale, the exercise will at least demonstrate the fraud of the carbon-centred climate. It will act as a wake-up call, a mirror—a call for reason. It will also leave 'some of us' wondering—red-faced—if it isn’t CO2 that drives our climate, what does?
The conclusion to this work- funny enough - is the most difficult part for me to write: I don't want to insult anyone, but I know I may be doing that.
After reading my blog, would you push my 'fractal' button? Would you put your life on knowledge, not future generations or your life?
Just like you do on a mountain, with the weather and the snow.
You can all see that this blog is more about fractality and knowledge than it is about CO2. The interesting thing is that I haven’t once mentioned any climate data that shows CO2 to have no significant impact on the climate, and I haven’t had to, that’s all been done.
After reading my blog, would you push my 'fractal' button? Would you put your life on knowledge, not future generations or your life?
Just like you do on a mountain, with the weather and the snow.
You can all see that this blog is more about fractality and knowledge than it is about CO2. The interesting thing is that I haven’t once mentioned any climate data that shows CO2 to have no significant impact on the climate, and I haven’t had to, that’s all been done.
Fractals show us that we don’t live in a carbon-centred climate and never have.
Or does it mean I have just opened an invitation for 'science' to rewrite the CO2 fractal record, as I have put it?
The question still remains: how science has gone so far off track. How did they get so far with carbon, and where did it stem from? The answer is all in reading repeating patterns.
Give me time, and I will address this, too.
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Heating the inspired air also helps the water molecules to move faster, break away and evaporate from the watery layer of mucus on the cilia into the inspired airflow. |
The nose has evolved to humidify the air with preheated water, which is explained better here explanation of nose humidifying/ air warming function – the pattern is repeated in the same way for -at least - all other mammalian animals.
The concentrations of CO2 are so high (in climate terms) that respiration itself should explain the process – but it doesn’t, at all.
Termite Mounds
I have reviewed the thermal mechanics of the termite mounds - searching for CO2 as a temperature regulating gas – it didn’t take me long to see that there is not such reference. Indeed it is water that cools the mounds and indeed termites actually maximize mound ventilation to get rid of the CO2 - as it is a toxin to them, funny enough.
skip to 5:10 on this YouTube clip you'll get it all:
In this journal article I found this reference to temperature and CO2, but again it does not offer a connection. I quote: “While this has no negative consequences in small colonies, it produces a trade-off with gas exchange in large colonies, resulting in sub optimally low nest temperatures and increased CO2 concentrations.”
Interestingly, Termites – our heroes of engineering and society don’t have a (CO2) climate problem.
Production Greenhouses
In modern production greenhouses, CO2 is pumped in at concentration of 1 – 1.2% - not to regulate temperature but to improve production!
I have found nowhere yet where life uses CO2 as a substitute or even a compliment to regulate temperature - anywhere.
I recently (2007ish) listened to a BBC radio interview with a scientist researching into the future effects of CO2 on plant growth: he pumped up a greenhouse to the future 500ppmv, and then – to mimic the effects of ‘climate change' - he increased the temperature with a heater.
Weather forecasting: the connect between meteorology and climatology – the micro to the macro
The micro should be a function of the macro – this is true for all systems and sciences - as it is in my field, Economics. Economics' used to be all micro and some argue it still should be: macroeconomics is a relatively new area of study, but before its advent, it all used to be studied as one . One can describe a country - in generality - as one can describe an individual, a firm or any form of life. The fundamentals are the same, at all scales: trade, exchange, specialisation, cooperation and reproduction are all universal. New Carbon Climatology has much to say about CO2 at the 'macro', but where is it in the 'micro' - the weather? Ask the professionals (pilots, fishers, farmers, mountaineers and the like) whom live and die by their forecasting and knowledge of the weather whether they make (at least in part) their decisions or evaluations on current CO2 levels or if they even know anything about the physics of CO2 and I bet the answer is no. I know the answer is no. I personally once trained as a pilot, and have been an outdoor adventurer for some 30 years (and for a time was an instructor ) and in that time I have found no such reference.
All the said professionals do all they can to dodge water based phenomena - big clouds. CO2 does not factor in their lives - and you would be laughed at - in their company - if you suggest it does.
Snow pack stability - avalanches
Not withstanding all the professions mentioned above, to me there is no profession or knowledge area quite as sensitive to getting it right as that of avalanche theory and practice ; a place where lives depend on scientific application of the knowledge and is generally thought to be well understood.
Again, I have found no reference so show that CO2 is cause of snow pack instability.
Why should it? You may ask. Again, if it were a potent, heat absorbing gas it would change the stability of the snow pack (as it is thought to do in the climate), and it would be part of our knowledge -because our lives depend on such knowledge. CO2 is heavy, it sinks, it must be present in the snow and on mountains, especially on volcanoes. There are many ski areas on volcanoes - is this part of their risk management.
The physical properties of water, geography and solar influence explain much of the stability or instability problems associated to avalanches, not (at all) the thermal properties of CO2.
Temperature Gradients: in atmosphere and snow pack:
Hi Blair,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this blog.
I am 'at present' fascinated with fractals, and think they are ultimate - magical, beautiful and true. Though I had studied the equations and generated fractal plots in a numerical computations course five years ago, they did not fascinate me as much then. However, some recent experiences that I've had have left me "spiritually" or "poetically", if not rationally, seeing the universe as a fractal.
I also happen to have just finished my doctoral research, as a computer scientist, on climate models (whose development I support, wish for and admire; but whose outputs as the models stand today, I do not like to believe).
So, I googled for fractals and climate, and found your link, which naturally, I found to be very interesting. :)
Hey great post here! Another very original perspective from which to understand the fraud of CO2 greenhouse warming. Very insightful thanks a lot.