6. wikifractal.org

A momentous morning for me.  As Copernicus and Galileo as my inspirers, and after (this morning) uncovering and clearing some critical details, I’m now not afraid any more – to speak, to show. Last month I published on my blog two entries I had been working on for last 5 years:  one on the fractal record of CO2, and the other on the fractal profile of CO2 (still in progress).
(http://www.fractalnomics.com/2013/03/the-fractal-record-of-heat-trapping-co2.html  and http://www.fractalnomics.com/2013/04/fractal-profile-of-co2.html ).
This morning I published a complementary ‘wiki website (www.wikifractal.org) to these entries that will show and democratise ‘the where(?)’ (the examples of a phenomena – at all scales) (or not!). Where does a phenomena do as it is ‘said’ to do? Orbiting bodies and a sun centred ‘universe’ is a good case: before the telescope and evidence, a world of dogma; and after, a world of ‘science’. With the Hubble and (broken) Kepler telescopes we are now seeing orbiting bodies wherever we look.
Wikifractal will reveal ‘the said’ CO2 properties (heat trapping) and the instances of a heat relationship – do not repeat, anywhere; that the experiments and demonstrations used to prove CO2 is a heat trapping gas are wrong, and make up what is (using the words of Richard Dawkins) the greatest magic show on Earth and of all time.  

Wikifractal.org aims to reveal the (true) shape – or fractal structure – of knowledge claims.
It is an instrument: 
as a compass is to navigation, a tuning-fork to a musician – it is a truth detector.

Where Wikipedia.org deals with the what? and the how? (definitions and the like), Wikifractal.org deals with 'the where?' 
– the evidence, and the examples (of 'the what').The aim of Wikifractal.org is not necessarily to show proof of a knowledge claims, but rather, show that there is no proof, shape, or repetition to the claim. It aims to falsify, to clarify claims for all to see, for all to get the picture.By allowing the public to log the repeating presence (or not) of a said claim, and accumulating these logged cases at the claims different scales, a (fractal) shape of knowledge of the claim will develop (or not). If not, the claim is false. If yes when not expected, then the claim will be understood by all. What Wikifractal will shows is the 'claims' fractal record, its tree of occurrence  the ‘different’ occurrences of the 'same' knowledge claim.
The fractal record – like the fossil record that inspired its name – will help expose the shape of the claim, not through time (though it may) as in the fossil record, but through the present, the now.

Wikifractal.org uses mathematicalinsights found in the fractal(what a termed 'the Laws of Knowledge'uncovered atfractalnomics.comby wikifractals creator.
As an example (insight)
  • (scientific) phenomema have fractal structure, they repeat– inthe 'same', but ‘different’ way, at all (relevant) scales;order among the chaos.
  • this is to sayif something not fractal - or it does not repeat - it either surreal or myth.
  • viewing an object phenomena (or claim) when it is in a state ofceteris paribus– a monotonic environment, absent of any other fractal objects – truth and thus knowledge can be determined from the shape , but the scale or size of that object (or claim) cannot be discerned.moon image


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